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'via Blog this'
to Ring the Bell-crime against women
to ring the Bell we need to Bell the Cat
How do we go around doing this ? to me it is 'to Catch 'em Young Both boys & girls -at the earliest -
right from their earliest education treat then both as equals in every aspect No segregation into boys & girls sitting separately in the class All tasks to be equally shared -Not  this is for boys & this is for girls as the
the boys are supposed to be stronger so this is for them & the girls are supposed to do this as they are not as strong & are more delicate  EQUALITY should be the KEY word for both sexes right from the very beginning.
they should grow up as equals
Sex education too right from the earliest -according to the age & the understanding at that particular age
As they grow up more details -how to be a gentleman & a lady How the gentleman should treat ladies Basic civility cordiality ,respect for each other behavior towards  each other
The home is the first school so the parents also should be involved In our country this is a difficult task as there are so many do's & don'ts for boys & girls also the cast system & still the 'untouchability factor , kids grow up with. this Yard stick before they enter school; So each year when the parents are called to school for parent teacher meetings some of these things should be discussed & also to tell about how their kids are being directed to grow up more mature to help the society
all schools should have a parent teacher association where the teachers & parents can interact & jointly find ways to improve the children & ultimately society
So thats why I think catching them young is very important at a younger age the impressions left r 'unconsciously forever imprinted on the mind & remain in the subconscious for ever

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