Thursday, January 3, 2019

 After a gap of one year here I am at it again  tomorrow is my birthday &I will complete 68years of my life & stepping into the 79th!!
I never ever thought that i would still be a Guest on this Planet earth   I remember when we were in our Teens me & my friends  when we were in the medical college the oldest we wanted to be on this was 50 years!!!! That number was such a big distant number that we could never think beyond this   Now all of my friends have crossed this boundary & are in the 7th or early 8th decade of our lives as teenagers this age was for us like on the HORIZON which we never  thought could be reached  But here we are.  All of us in different parts of the world  & I should say "still going strong"

Looking down from this 'perch' of mine I am really astonished at myself & my friends who at one time thought that reaching in to this Horizon  was next to impossible  This proves nothing is Impossible in LIFE!!

we all have grown in age & i suppose wiser with the ways of the world & our life we all are grand parents now - which was something we thought could never  happen At that young age a grand parent was so very far off & a long way to go  that we never thought that we too would one day be here at a perch & would be able to look down from our perch

Well we should take each day as it comes & thank GOD for this BONUS each day & also be prepared to say the FINAL GOODBYE very happily & fully satisfied with way we have traversed the path of LIFE up & downs  rough paths green & cool a beautiful paths Happy times sad ones all a mix up of a "KHICHADI"
But i must say my path has all the good & some  bad taste But the Journey was worthwhile and I would never exchange it for anything else