Mumbai & Pune 13/02./2015 to 26./02/2015

back home

,i had a fully packed 13 days & back home now
started on 13th with my friend Shyla Manipal -Mumbai [2hrs wait]--Delhi
My friend Pushpa's daughter & hubby came to pick me up they stay near the IGI airport -realy a village w they hgereave a /run a school till 12th class 0a very Lucrative & good one Thet r Planning to slowly making it a Degree college
14th was Sangeet -a fun evening
15th-- haldi function at the boys house in the morning then the barat at 3 pm
the groom was taken on a 2 white horse carriage to the venue
it was a grand -darat dance 7 exchange of garlands
the food was like a food mela with all types of food stalls one can think of north & south dishes
I couds not eat even 5 % of the food available!!!
we were put up in a hotel on 14th & 15th
on 13th i stayed with my friend
on 16th i came to Meena -shyla's sisters house
same nighr 9.30 pm for allahqabad
vonni came to the station in a prefixed Taxi for 2 days on 17th we nwent to sitamarhi & Lain temple- shyla liked this the sitamarhi has become very commercialized not the one i saw the pervious ones But those seeing it for the 1st time would have liked it at night we went to have dinner at a nice hotel near thre Old Balsons
the next day 18th we went to the sangam hanuman temple , & new Tirupathy temple & also the fort temple Then we went to the Alld Musem then vonni took her to her Dept -She was very particular she is very favorite with her students & all seem to have liked her
met mrs Jain & other neighbors
the last houses r a hospital & a another hospital & a path lab
vonni has a toe injury since last 2 months The Dr says she does not take rest so the wound has not healed due to decreases blood circulation the the legs the dr was very upset with this
vonni looks pulled down Has got a haunch at the shoulders -drooping shouldres & looks very old & very unkept -I mean her appearance -not bothered at all May be old age does this to all also may be due to her foot & tiredness
I wanted to go & see my old schools But could not do so
came home rested/packed had dinner & left for the station at 930 pm & reached Delhi On 19th Morning
Meena came to pick us up after a bath & breakfast my friend urmil came to pick me up & came to her house
she has 2 Grand kids from her son 11yrs & 4 yrs & 2 from her daughter 16yrs & 14yrs met all of them also went to visit her brother Sushil [who was working in Alld yrs aga & used to visit our house] Had dinner at his house His son did his MBBS from Manipal & used to come to my house very often while he was in Manipal
met all of them his wife also a Dr & daughter & his son Dr Bhavesh
had a good time with them
Next day cisited her daughters house -lives close to Urmils house she is married to a tamilian boy
next day 21st went for some shopping in the evening
next day morning at 11am left for Mumbai
reached Mumbai & took a taxi to chandu Bhai's house rached by abt 4pm
chandu bhai has changed a lot
he did not allow me to do anything sayin'ATHITHI DEVO BHAVA '
he heasted dinner coked by the cook who leaves at 4pm
Made tea foe me Washed the cups etc -I was very surprised
Next day Sunday went to Pune By Taxi by 7 m. 30 am chandu Bhai & sunil also came
had a break at Lonavala then proceeded tp S/G place reached by 10.30 -am sat for some time chatting Gopal can walk now without support though he has been asked to take some support while going out Sabakki is full of beans with the very enthusiastic bright & positive thinking/optimism I likes it & also Herbal life They have already booked for a 2 bedroom flat in Arthashree -the old people apt & plan to move when it is ready may be next year we went to lunch at a chinese reataurent & had a good Lunch
came back to the flat & chatted for abt a hour & then had tea & left byabt 4 pm & reached Mumbai at 7 pm
it was a good but very short visit i wish we had more time
sunil & chandu too enjoyed this visit
Nest day Chandu bhai too me & sunil to his CCI [prestigious Criket Club of India ] old Brabourne Stadium for Cricket had a good dinner
Next day he wanted to take to Wellington club -but I had a upset tummy so did not go May be too much eating outside
next day at ^.30 pm left for the airport by taxi & reached home at 12-pm My dogs gave me such a over whelming welcome & it was nice to be home

this ended my whirl wind tour
Sangeeta helped by looking after the dogs well
hope i have not bored u much with my travelogue
take care
Have A Sunshine Day Be Happy
Kasturi Nayak