Every person born into this world has a FAMILY .A long lineage of which we may know fairly well only till a few generation of the past - mainly may be till the past of out great great grand parents Unless someone in the family makes a effort to make a Family tree This task is a difficult one as with the years & children growing out & moving out into the wide world makes it difficult to keep each one tied with a thread. Everyone is so busy in their own world makes this difficult.One is mostly involved in the nuclear family Just the own immediate family members .Yet it is so much fun to know as many relatives as possible .Here in India we have a festival called Ganesh chaturthy where all the family members make it a point to come back to their native place-ancestral home & celebrate. Many a times even members living abroad make it a point to come for this festival.This is a good way for the whole extended family older & the younger generation to meet & know each other. Living together for a few days is a good way to know each other. Keeping in touch once a year makes the family bond stronger I am sure this sought of occasion must be there all over the world Like the Thanks Giving in the USA
There are some families who does not want to keep this bond as they have or rather create problems & fight with each other This is mainly over property or money All material things-which we can live without if we have a strong bond of love keeping us tied to each other.